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سافت گذر دانشنامه نرم افزار - دانلود رایگان نرم افزار

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زبان / قیمت(تومان): انگلیسی / رایگان برای اعضای ویژه
فرمت / حجم فایل: 13/7 GB / mp4
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دانلود Udemy Complete CSharp Unity Developer 3D Learn to Code Making Games

دانلود دوره کامل آموزش ویدئویی طراحی و ساخت بازی‌های سه‌بُعدی در یونیتی | از برترین دوره‌های آموزشی در جهان

Udemy - Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D

Update 2020/7

(Udemy - Complete C# Unity Developer 3D: Learn to Code Making Games)

| این دورهٔ آموزشی ارائه‌شده دوره‌ای جدید، کامل و آپدیت‌شده است |

| در پلیر موجود در این صفحه، می‌توانید ویدئوی مقدمه و آشنایی با آموزش‌های این دوره را به‌صورت آنلاین تماشا کنید |

توجه داشته باشید که این آموزش تصویری ارائه شده یکی از برترین، پُرامتیازترین، پرفروش‌ترین و تأثیرگذارترین آموزش‌های کمپانی Udemy است و در سایت اصلی خود یعنی یودمی، تنها با صرف هزینه زیاد قابل خریداری خواهد بود.

با استفاده از این دورهٔ آموزشی - به‌صورت فیلم‌های جداگانه - می‌توانید اصول طراحی و ساخت انواع بازی‌های سه‌بُعدی (3D) در موتور بازی‌سازی یونیتی (Unity) را یاد بگیرید؛ توجه داشته باشید که برای ورود به آموزش‌های این دوره و فهمیدن درس‌ها، به هیچ‌گونه مهارت و دانش قبلی در این زمینه نیازی ندارید و می‌توانید از صفر شروع کنید.

لازم است به این نکته اشاره کنیم که در آپدیت‌های جدید، نام دوره تغییر کرده است؛ نام قبلی این دوره، Udemy - Complete C# Unity Developer 3D: Learn to Code Making Games بود و در حال حاضر، نام دوره به Udemy - Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D تغییر کرده است.

فایل‌های زیرنویس انگلیسی این دوره نیز به همراه و در کنار ویدئوهای آموزشی ارائه شده‌اند و نیازی به دانلود جداگانهٴ آنها نیست.



تولید کننده: Udemy

سطح: مناسب برای همه - از مقدماتی تا پیشرفته

تاریخ آخرین آپدیت: 2020/7

مدت زمان آموزش: 33 ساعت و 53 دقیقه

زبان آموزش: انگلیسی

زیرنویس انگلیسی: دارد

فرمت فایل‌های ویدئویی: MP4

مدرسان: Ben Tristem, Rick Davidson, GameDev.tv Tea


فهرست کامل سرفصل‌ها و عناوین آموزشی این دوره، به همراه زمان دقیق آنها:

Course Content: 7 Sections | 218 Lectures | 33h 53m Total Length‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

First Steps - Getting Set Up | 9 lectures | 1hr 17min

Why You Should Buy This Course | 01:26

Get Unity & Visual Studio Downloading | 08:05

How To Use This Course | 12:12

Introducing Unity | 15:29

The Wonder Of Prefabs | 12:50

Introducing Visual Studio | 12:56

Fixing Visual Studio Problems | 04:47

Check Your Understanding 1.1 | 5 questions

Instructor Hangout 1.1 | 07:32

Section 1 Conclusion | 01:28


Terminal Hacker - Basic C# | 25 lectures | 3hr 23min

Welcome To Section 2 | 00:59

Terminal Hacker Game Design | 05:11

Import WM2000 Terminal Asset | 09:28

Using Our Terminal.WriteLine()| 08:40

Your First Function | 07:10

Introducing Variables | 07:58

Functions With Variable Parameters | 05:37

Messages Are Special Functions | 07:32

C# Operators & Expressions | 07:12

Conditional Program Flow Using if | 07:09

Check Your Understanding 2.1 | 10 questions

Instructor Hangout 2.1 | 10:08

We’re About To Pick-Up Pace | 05:26

Member Variables To Hold State | 09:22

Enumerating Our Game States | 11:17

Refactoring Our Code | 08:48

Your First Solo | 12:36

Arrays Of Variables | 06:35

switch vs if | 11:24

Introducing Random Behaviour | 10:31

Creating A Win Screen | 09:20

Section 2 Integration Challenge | 13:44

Instructor Hangout 2.2 | 10:46

Check Your Understanding 2.2 | 10 questions

Share Online & Play Test | 09:21

Feedback & Bug Fixes | 04:53

Section 2 Wrap-Up | 01:50


Project Boost - Basic Unity | 39 lectures | 6hr 13min

Welcome To Section 3 | 02:01

Project Boost Game Design | 05:47

Onion Design | 05:31

SourceTree Differences on Mac | 00:49

Introducing Version Control | 11:04

Add Unity .gitignore Easily | 10:55

The Origin Of Our World | 10:25

Placeholder Art From Primitives | 12:48

Basic Input Binding | 11:44

Physics and Rigidbodies | 10:05

Coordinate System Handedness | 04:34

Using Time.deltaTime | 08:58

Check Your Understanding 3.1 | 10 questions

Instructor Hangout 3.1 | 11:45

Adding A Touch Of Audio | 13:52

Resolving Movement Bugs | 08:53

Using SerializeField vs public | 11:52

Tagging Game Objects As Friendly | 10:39

Basic Level Design | 08:59

Design Levers And Tuning | 08:28

Making A Second Level | 09:39

Prefabs In Detail | 08:41

Level Loading & Scene Management | 09:35

Invoke() As A Coroutine Warm-up | 13:43

Check Your Understanding 3.2 | 10 questions

Instructor Hangout 3.2 | 12:16

Playing Multiple Audio Clips | 12:06

Introducing Particle Effects | 12:38

Moving Platform Pattern | 10:19

Mathf.Sin() For Movement Cycles | 11:49

Protecting Against NaN | 05:49

Organise Your Assets | 12:22

Light Your Scene | 09:58

Nested Prefab Joy | 08:57

Make Game Moments | 12:01

Debug Keys & Builds | 11:06

Check Your Understanding 3.3 | 10 questions

Instructor Hangout 3.3 | 09:52

Looping Through Levels | 10:44

Sharing With Teaser Video | 12:54

Spit & Polish | 08:02

Section 3 Wrap-Up | 01:13


Argon Assault - Rails Shooter | 47 lectures | 7hr 34min

Welcome To Section 4 | 01:12

Argon Assault Game Design | 08:36

Update Unity & Create Project | 04:01

Create Terrain | 08:29

Terrain & Later Unity Versions | 04:18

Texture The Terrain | 11:42

Add A Skybox | 07:15

Add Player Ship | 08:08

Setup A Splash Screen | 06:45

Playing Music Between Scenes | 07:16

Unity’s Waypoint Utility Scripts | 09:42

Check Your Understanding 4.1 | 10 questions

Instructor Hangout 4.1 | 06:46

Using Cross Platform Input | 12:06

Input Sensitivity & Gravity | 11:09

Mathf.Clamp() To Restrict Movement | 07:59

Understanding Roll, Pitch & Yaw | 07:22

How To Set Local Rotation | 10:19

Rotate Ship With Position & Throw | 12:15

Time To Tweak And Tune | 11:40

Create Bullet Particles | 13:09

Explosion Particles & SFX | 12:50

Dodge And Shoot | 10:51

Check Your Understanding 4.2 | 10 questions

Instructor Hangout 4.2 | 19:11

Project Tidying Checklist | 09:48

SendMessage() Between Components | 12:12

Enable A Gameobject From C# | 09:42

Singleton Pattern Without Statics | 06:54

Detecting Particle Collisions | 06:31

Making Scripts Add Components | 09:14

Instantiating At Runtime | 11:51

Add Simple Score UI | 09:12

A ScoreBoard Class | 11:56

Check Your Understanding 4.3 | 10 questions

Instructor Hangout 4.3 | 15:03

Introducing Encapsulation | 11:52

Back-pedalling With Version Control | 10:32

Iterating With foreach | 08:06

Enemy Health System | 08:19

Level Design Beat Chart | 09:58

Level Design Iteration | 09:22

Introduction To Unity Timeline | 09:15

Unity Timeline For Player Path | 12:20

Unity Timeline Enemy Waves | 11:00

Adding Flavour With Timeline | 10:01

Stop Particle Emission In C# | 10:50

Visual Polish | 11:57

Check Your Understanding 4.4 | 10 questions

Section 4 Wrap-Up | 01:42


Realm Rush - Tower Defence | 45 lectures | 8hr 5min

Welcome To Section 5 | 03:10

Realm Rush Game Design | 05:38

Limitations Of Unity Pathfinding | 06:51

Z-Fighting And Quads | 11:30

[ExecuteInEditMode] Attribute | 14:17

Using Text Mesh For Labels | 16:30

C-Sharp Lists For Custom Path | 12:21

Introducing Coroutines | 13:47

Types Of Pathfinding | 09:42

The Path Ahead | 03:36

Instance Variables And Constants | 15:34

The Dictionary Data Structure | 12:20

Check Your Understanding 5.1 | 10 questions

Finding Game Objects By Name | 11:26

Explore Thy Neighbour | 13:42

Breadth First Search Algorithm | 11:24

Introducing C# Queues | 12:28

Running Manual Tests | 11:53

A Breadcrumb Trail | 11:30

Reversing A List | 15:08

Adding Production Assets | 12:49

Tower LookAt Enemy | 06:17

MagicaVoxel Bonus Content | 04:40

Check Your Understanding 5.2 | 10 questions

Another Solo Challenge | 03:04

Make Tower Shoot | 11:43

Enemy HitPoints | 03:38

Check For Distance | 10:32

Subtleties Of Spawning | 10:32

Revise Coroutines & Much More | 15:25

Target Closest Enemy | 13:57

Detecting Mouse In 3D | 10:44

Conditional Instantiation | 14:48

Check Your Understanding 5.3 | 10 questions

Bloom’s Taxonomy | 07:23

Particles & Algorithm Improvements | 15:54

Circular Or Ring Buffers | 08:54

Implementing A Ring Buffer | 13:07

Revising C# Queues | 14:01

How To Destroy Particles | 13:00

Complete Game Loop | 09:18

Health For Base | 08:03

Display Health & Score | 11:53

Unity Post Processing Stack | 08:08

Hook Up SFX | 11:35

PlayClipAtPoint() For SFX | 13:27

Tune Your Game Moment | 12:46

Check Your Understanding 5.4 | 13 questions

Section 5 Wrap Up | 06:58


Zombie Runner - First Person Shooter | 52 lectures | 7hr 21min

Welcome To Zombie Runner | 04:16

Zombie Runner Game Design | 03:44

Adding First Person Controller | 04:56

Make A Prototyping Sandbox | 06:27

Using NavMeshAgent For AI | 09:58

Getting Stuck & Jittering | 05:21

Enemy AI - Chase Range | 07:25

Quiz - Zombie Runner #1 | 5 questions

Using OnDrawGizmosSelected()| 04:05

Enemy AI - Attack If Provoked | 10:15

Give That Player A Gun | 07:03

Introduction To Raycasting | 08:07

Enemy Health & Damage | 08:35

Implement A Muzzle Flash | 06:57

Creating Shooting Hit Effect | 09:05

Introduction To Animator Controller | 08:08

Creating A Simple Animation | 06:51

Animator Transition Conditions | 04:18

Quiz - Zombie Runner #2 | 8 questions

Trigger Animation In Code | 12:13

Use Animation Events | 06:58

Create Player Health Class | 08:26

Rotate To Face Target | 07:36

Game Over User Interface | 13:16

Create A Death Handler | 06:50

Using BroadcastMessage | 07:17

Early Gameplay Loop | 05:47

Weapon System Overview | 04:10

Weapon Zoom - Field Of View | 07:51

Quiz - Zombie Runner #3 | 8 questions

Weapon Zoom - Mouse Sensitivity | 05:33

Basic Ammo Functionality | 06:38

Multiple Weapon Types | 12:09

Weapon Differentiation | 13:19

Set Active Weapon | 08:05

Player Input To Select Weapon | 10:22

Public Enum & Private Class | 13:04

Different Weapon Different Ammo | 07:54

Quick Bug Fix Challenge | 04:11

Ammo Pickup - Part 1 | 06:27

Ammo Pickup - Part 2 | 13:13

Quiz - Zombie Runner #4 | 7 questions

Let's Add A Zombie | 14:46

Quick Zombie Attack Challenge | 03:18

Flex Your Level Design Muscles | 09:51

Add Terrain & Trees | 12:30

ProBuilder For Making Props | 15:05

ProBuilder To Make Rooms | 11:53

ProBuilder To Make Levels | 08:36

Adding Textures With ProBuilder | 08:49

We Need Some Lights | 10:09

Create A FlashLight | 09:36

Create A Battery Pickup | 13:02

Quiz - Zombie Runner #5 | 9 questions

Display Current Ammo UI | 08:41

Damage Received UI | 11:46

Props & Polish | 06:35


Bonus Section | 1 lecture | 1min

BONUS LECTURE: Our Other Courses | 00:29

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