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!Udemy - Java In-Depth Become a Complete Java Engineer

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!Udemy - Java In-Depth: Become a Complete Java Engineer

Update 2020/9

| این دورهٔ آموزشی ارائه‌شده دوره‌ای جدید، کامل و آپدیت‌شده است |

| در پلیر موجود در این صفحه، می‌توانید ویدئوی مقدمه و آشنایی با آموزش‌های این دوره را به‌صورت آنلاین تماشا کنید |

توجه داشته باشید که این آموزش تصویری ارائه‌شده یکی از برترین، پُرامتیازترین، پرفروش‌ترین و تأثیرگذارترین آموزش‌های کمپانی Udemy است و در سایت اصلی خود یعنی یودمی، تنها با پرداخت مبلغی بسیار زیاد قابل خریداری و استفاده خواهد بود.

با استفاده از این دورهٔ آموزشی ویدئویی، می‌توانید صفر تا صد مهارت‌ها و تکنیک‌های اصلی مربوط به برنامه‌نویسی جاوا را به‌طور کامل و کاربردی فرا بگیرید؛ به شکلی که طبق گفتهٔ مدرس همچنین عنوان دوره، پس از اتمام آموزش‌ها و درک کامل مفاهیم تدریس شده، تبدیل به یک مهندس و متخصص تمام‌عیار جاوا خواهید شد. لازم به ذکر است که برای شروع این دوره و فهمیدن دروس آن، نیازی به دانش و مهارت قبلی در زمینهٴ جاوا یا سایر زبان‌های برنامه‌نویسی ندارید.

فایل‌های زیرنویس انگلیسی این دوره نیز به همراه و در کنار ویدئوهای آموزشی ارائه شده‌اند و نیازی به دانلود جداگانهٴ آنها نیست.


تولید کننده: Udemy

سطح: مناسب برای همه - از مقدماتی (مبتدی) تا پیشرفته

تاریخ آخرین آپدیت: 2020/9

مدت زمان آموزش: 67 ساعت و 3 دقیقه

زبان آموزش: انگلیسی

زیرنویس انگلیسی: دارد

فرمت فایل‌های ویدئویی: MP4

مدرس: Dheeru Mundluru


فهرست کامل سرفصل‌ها و عناوین آموزشی این دوره، به همراه زمان دقیق آنها:

Course Content: 24 Sections | 360 Lectures | 67h 3m Total Length

Course Introduction | 3 Lectures | 18min

Why Yet Another Java Course? | 06:53

Course Structure & UI Controls for Site Navigation | 10:30

Terms of Service & Copyright | 00:30


Java: A High-level Overview | 17 Lectures | 2hr 35min

Chapter Introduction | 03:08

What is Java & Who is Using It? | 06:42

Story behind Java's Creation ~ A Brief History | 07:36

Compilation | 09:51

Platform Dependency + Demo | 08:38

Interpreter | 07:50

Platform Independence in Java + Demo | 08:57

Java Virtual Machine | 14:01

An Overview of Java SE | 21:28

Java SE Release Cycles & Release History | 06:49

Installing JDK 10 on Windows | 19:13

Installing JDK 10 on Mac | 04:46

Installing JDK10 on Linux | 06:52

Setting Classpath Environment Variable | 09:20

Writing First Java Program + Demo | 16:15

Conclusion | 02:40

Chapter Quiz | 5 questions

Important Q&A Discussions! | 01:22


Classes, Objects and their Members | 35 Lectures | 7hr 30min

Chapter Introduction | 03:19

Class & Objects | 12:32

Demo: Absolute Java Basics | 17:13

Variables: Introduction | 10:20

Demo: Declaring & Re-initializing Variables | 15:00

Currency Converter - Creating a Class with Variables | 1 question

Variables: Primitive Types | 02:00

Primitive Variables: Integers + Demo | 19:48

Demo: Other Integer Literal Formats | 10:33

Primitive Variables: Floating-point Numbers + Demo | 11:09

Demo: Floating-point Pitfalls + Item 48 | 10:55

Primitive Variables: Character Data Type + Demo | 17:01

Demo: Alternate ways to initialize char variables | 06:25

Demo: Primitive Variables: Boolean Data Type | 05:57

Demo: Variable Kinds | 26:38

Demo: Multi-variable Declaration Statements | 09:31

Quiz: Variables | 6 questions

Variables: Type Casting + Demo | 19:25

Variables: Object References + Demo | 06:19

Statements + Demo | 07:40

Arrays + Demo | 27:35

Currency Converter - Array Creation & Accessing it Elements | 1 question

2D Arrays | 07:22

3D Arrays + Demo | 05:20

Methods: Introduction + Demo | 20:51

Method Types + Demo | 21:27

Summary on Accessibility of Members from Static & Instance Methods | 00:26

Currency Converter ~ Invoking Methods of an Object | 1 question

How Data is Passed to Methods in Java? + Demo | 18:18

Method Overloading + Demo | 10:21

Methods: varargs + Demo | 08:39

Constructors + Demo | 22:07

Constructor Overloading + Demo | 24:47

Demo: Constructor Overloading ~ Alternate way of delegating | 03:58

Demo: this Reference | 14:35

Demo: Reinitializing Object References ~ More Brainstorming! | 20:01

Arrays with Object References | 1 question

Review of Exercise 1 Solution with Best Practices | 21:43

Conclusion | 03:38

Chapter Quiz | 12 questions

Important Q&A Discussions! | 07:29


Method Building Blocks: Operators & Control-flow Statements | 27

Lectures | 4hr 40min

Chapter Introduction | 03:32

Operators | 04:09

Arithmetic Operators + Demo | 22:13

Arithmetic Operation Rules + Demo | 08:55

Quiz: Arithmetic Operators | 3 questions

Note on Student Class | 00:27

Demo: Comparison Operators | 14:45

Logical Operators + Demo | 28:14

Car Price Estimator ~ Coding Exercise for Comparison & Logical Operators | 19:48

Car Price Estimator ~ Putting Comparison & Logical Operators into Action | 1 question

Car Price Estimator - Exercise Solution | 06:06

Bitwise Operators + Demo | 09:24

Quick Note on Bitwise Operators with Boolean Operands | 00:48

Bit Shift Operators | 05:37

Quiz: Bitwise & Bit Shift Operators | 4 questions

Control-flow: Demo: if-statement | 18:05

Control-flow: switch + Demo | 18:04

When is switch Preferred? | 03:36

Quiz: switch Statement | 3 questions

Control-flow: Ternary + Demo | 07:26

Additional Notes on Ternary Operator | 00:30

Control-flow: for Statement + Demo | 11:57

Demo: More for Statement ... | 21:54

Demo: for-each Statement (+ discussion on Item 46) | 18:42

Variable Scope | 05:16

Exercise | 2 pages

Computing GPA ~ Putting Operators & Control-flow to Test | 1 question

Control-flow: while Statement | 03:26

Control-flow: break Statement + Demo | 09:16

Control-flow: continue + Demo | 05:08

Recursion + Demo | 27:01

Conclusion | 05:55


Packages, Strings and Information Hiding Design Principle | 19

Lectures | 3hr 15min

Chapter Introduction | 02:29

Java API + Item 47 (Know and use the libraries) | 09:21

Accessing Packages + Demo | 16:41

Creating Packages & Classpath Management + Demo | 29:39

Naming Packages | 04:18

Access Levels + Demo | 22:36

More on private Modifier + Demo | 10:27

Quiz: Packages | 4 questions

Strings: Introduction | 05:44

String Class + Demo | 19:46

String Pool & Interning + Demo | 15:51

String Immutability | 03:29

String Concatenation + Demo | 10:32

Item 51: String Concatenation Performance | 03:15

Escape Sequences + Demo | 04:50

Sentiment Analysis: Mining Pros & Cons ~ Putting String Class to Test | 1 question

Information Hiding - Item 14: Use accessor methods, not public

fields + Demo | 10:58

Demo: Enhancing Student Example with Information Hiding | 13:12

Information Hiding - Item 13: Minimize the accessibility of classes

and members | 03:49

Conclusion | 07:02

Chapter Quiz | 5 questions

Important Q&A Discussions! | 01:19


static, final, and Coding Conventions | 16 Lectures | 2hr 23min

Chapter Introduction | 02:28

Note on Few Lectures in this Section | 00:27

Demo: Math Class | 20:14

Initializers: Static & Instance + Demo | 07:44

final Variable + Demo | 09:44

Constant Variables + Demo | 10:22

Boxed Primitives + Demo | 14:15

Demo: Uses of Boxed Primitives | 15:23

Autoboxing + Demo | 04:25

Item 49: Prefer Primitives to Boxed Primitives + Demo | 11:37

Parsing API Response ~ Let's make use of Boxed Primitives & String class | 1 question

Coding Conventions: Naming (Item 56: Use generally accepted naming

conventions) | 10:04

Coding Conventions: Structuring Programs (Item 45: Minimize the

scope of local) | 07:31

Coding Conventions: Stylistic + Demo | 06:39

Coding Conventions: Comments + Demo | 13:12

Conclusion | 07:47

Chapter Quiz | 4 questions

Important Q&A Discussions! | 01:29


Case Study: A Social Bookmarking Application | 2 Lectures | 15min

thrill.io ~ A Social Polymarking App! | 10:15

Case Study | 04:15


Serious OOP: Inheritance & Polymorphism | 15 Lectures | 2hr 14min

Inheritance | 08:27

Access Modifiers & Inheritance + Demo | 12:27

IS-A Test | 04:07

Hospital Management System (HMS) ~ Let's put Inheritance into practice! | 1 question

Polymorphism + Demo | 12:35

Casting Objects & instanceof Operator + Demo | 10:06

Extending HMS with a Billing Component ~ Putting Polymorphism into

Practice! | 1 question

Type Safety | 07:27

Method Overriding + Demo | 14:49

Minor Correction in First Method Overriding Rule | 00:31

Method Binding + Demo | 17:03

What is Not Overridden? (final Method is one of them) + Demo | 14:17

Demo: Fields are Not Overridden | 03:03

Object Class + Demo + Item 10: Always override toString | 07:52

Constructor Chaining + Demo | 08:33

Preventing Inheritance | 05:30

Conclusion | 07:02

Chapter Quiz | 10 questions


More Serious OOP: Abstract Classes & Interfaces | 19 Lectures | 2hr 38min

New Requirement: thrill.io for Kids | 06:14

Abstract Classes & Methods + Demo | 06:27

Item 20: Prefer class hierarchies to tagged classes | 05:58

Computing Health Insurance Premium for Staff ~ Let's put Abstract

Classes & Methods into practice! | 1 question

New Requirement: Sharing Bookmarks | 05:20

Multiple Inheritance & Diamond Problem | 04:08

Interfaces | 18:44

More on Interfaces | 08:08

Demo: Interfaces | 11:23

Interfaces: A Conceptual View | 07:50

Item 18: Prefer interfaces to abstract classes | 07:56

Item 52: Refer to objects by their interfaces | 03:20

Computing Health Insurance Premium for Staff (Part 2) ~ Let's put

Interfaces into practice! | 1 question

Marker Interfaces | 06:44

Cloneable Interface + Demo | 06:03

default Methods (Java 8) + Demo | 18:51

Recap of default Methods | 04:17

default Methods: Other Benefits + Demo | 10:09

Static Methods in Interfaces + Demo | 11:48

Conclusion | 12:37

Chapter Quiz | 7 questions

Important Q&A Discussions! | 01:59


Programming with Eclipse IDE | 12 Lectures | 1hr 36min

Introduction | 02:10

Installing Eclipse | 05:31

Writing a Java Program in Eclipse | 11:00

Eclipse Build Process | 11:13

Importing Demo Code | 05:26

Source Code Navigation | 10:34

Automatic Source Code Cleaning & Generation | 10:30

Code Refactoring | 02:46

Using Eclipse Debugger | 17:35

JUnit & Debugging | 18:03

Shortcuts Cheat Sheet | 00:14

Conclusion | 00:43


Project: Implementing a Social Bookmarking App | 13 Lectures | 2hr 41min

Project Introduction | 03:58

MVC Architecture | 06:55

Implementing Entities | 12:05

Implementing Manager Classes - Demonstrates Singleton Pattern!! | 12:33

Implementing Constant Exporting Classes | 04:50

Implementing Data Store | 18:40

Implementing Dao Classes | 05:40

Launching the Application | 09:14

Implementing User Bookmarking Feature | 15:54

Implementing Kid-Friendly Eligibility Criteria Using TDD | 19:41

Marking Bookmarks as Kid-Friendly | 19:01

Implementing Sharing Feature: Part 1 (Implementing Shareable Interface) | 13:31

Implementing Sharing Feature: Part 2 (View, Controller and Manager) | 19:08


JVM Internals | 20 Lectures | 3hr 4min

Introduction | 08:28

Lifetime of a Type | 08:32

Lifetime of a Type: Class Loading | 09:36

Lifetime of a Type: Linking | 10:07

Demo: Lifetime of a Type | 17:50

Quiz: Lifetime of a Type | 4 questions

Reflection | 07:55

Accessing Class Object | 06:20

Demo: Reflection | 12:44

Simulate a Basic Unit Testing Framework ~ Putting reflection into

action! | 1 question

Runtime Data Areas | 06:33

Method Area & Heap | 10:49

Method Table | 06:55

Garbage Collection: Introduction | 08:46

Garbage Collection Algorithms | 07:13

GC: Generational Collections | 10:08

Demo: Tuning Heap & Analyzing GC Cycles | 07:43

Item 6: Eliminate Obsolete Object References | 06:25

Stack | 05:48

Stack Frame | 06:03

Instruction Set: invokespecial & invokevirtual + Demo | 17:57

Conclusion | 08:04

Chapter Quiz | 6 questions


Exceptions with Best Practices | 15 Lectures | 2hr 14min

Chapter Introduction | 03:04

Demo: Exceptions & Exception Handling | 15:00

Demo: Multiple Exceptions & Polymorphically Referencing Exceptions!! | 09:40

Checked & Unchecked Exceptions + Demo | 10:09

Exceptions & Method Overriding | 00:27

finally Block + Demo | 11:53

try-with-resources Statement + Demo | 15:09

Demo: Suppressed Exceptions | 07:23

Demo - Best Practices: Creating New Exceptions (Items 58 & 65) | 12:49

Demo - Best Practices for Capturing Failure Information (Item 63) | 09:20

Demo - Item 61: Throw exceptions appropriate to the abstraction | 07:14

Extending Compute GPA Exercise with Exceptions | 1 question

Exceptions: More Advice ... (Items 57, 59, 60, 62, and 38) | 06:22

Assertions | 10:07

Demo: Assertions | 09:19

Conclusion | 06:08

Chapter Quiz | 6 questions


Input-Output | 16 Lectures | 2hr 45min

Chapter Introduction | 06:32

Character Encoding + Demo (Prerequisite) | 19:40

Stream IO | 06:33

Byte Streams | 05:50

Reading Byte-Oriented Files Efficiently + Decorator Pattern + Demo | 19:56

Character Streams | 04:07

Reading & Writing Text Efficiently | 09:39

Project Extension: Reading User & Bookmark Data from Text Files (Demo) | 10:52

Project Extension: Downloading WebLinks & Writing to Disk (Demo) | 13:02

Demo: Reading User Input from Console using BufferedReader & Scanner | 09:38

The File Class + Demo | 14:39

Serializing Java Objects + Demo | 17:34

Deserialization & Versioning + Demo | 12:04

Demo: Decoding with Compatible Encoding Scheme | 03:35

Conclusion | 07:17

Chapter Quiz | 8 questions

Input-Output ~ Important Q&A Discussions! | 03:37


Collections Framework (aka Data Structures) | 27 Lectures | 4hr 49min

Chapter Introduction | 07:35

Collection Interface | 06:31

List Interface | 03:31

ArrayList - Introduction | 06:12

Demo: ArrayList | 16:16

Iterator + Demo | 19:18

List Iterator + Demo | 10:36

LinkedList | 10:38

Queue & Deque Interfaces | 09:36

ArrayDeque + Demo | 09:46

Flight Reservation System ~ Putting Lists & Queues into Action! | 1 question

Hash Table | 09:36

Set Interface & HashSet + Demo + Overriding hashCode & Equals (Item

9) + Item 52 | 14:51

LinkedHashSet + Demo | 05:21

SortedSet & NavigableSet | 09:04

TreeSet (Comparable & Comparator) + Demo | 18:03

Demo: More TreeSet ~ Exploring NavigableSet Methods | 09:46

TreeSet & Comparator Exercise | 1 question

Map Interface | 08:32

Demo: HashMap + Excercise | 13:38

Demo: Beware of Creating Mutable Keys | 07:35

LinkedHashMap + Demo | 17:42

SortedMap, NavigableMap and TreeMap + Demo | 10:17

Demo: Arrays Class | 19:54

Demo: Arrays Class (Part 2) ~ Parallelized Operations from Java 8 | 08:22

Demo: Collections Class | 16:34

Best Practice: Return empty arrays or collections instead of nulls

(Item 43) | 05:18

Conclusion - A Quick Summary | 08:34

Chapter Quiz | 12 questions

Collections ~ Important Q&A Discussions! | 06:05


Generics | 17 Lectures | 3hr 18min

Chapter Introduction ~ Motivation & Agenda | 12:24

Generic & Parameterized Types | 08:33

Demo: Creating Generic Types | 15:55

Project Extension: Replacing Arrays with ArrayLists (Part 1) | 13:13

Project Extension: Replacing Arrays with ArrayLists (Part 2) | 09:49

Bounded Type Parameter + Demo | 11:15

Item 23: Don’t use raw types in new code + Demo | 12:14

Unbounded Wildcard + Demo | 10:10

Invariance + Demo + Item 25: Prefer lists to arrays | 07:15

Generic Methods (Items 26 & 27: Favor generic types/methods) | 15:04

Demo: Generic Methods & Generic Constructors | 20:46

Bounded Wildcards: Motivation + Demo | 11:23

Bounded Wildcards + Item 28: Use bounded wildcards to increase API

flexibility | 12:43

Demo: Bounded Wildcards | 15:26

Generics Restrictions | 04:45

Conclusion - A Quick Summary | 11:58

Chapter Quiz | 5 questions

Important Q&A Discussions! | 05:04


Nested Classes | 7 Lectures | 1hr 22min

Chapter Introduction | 09:18

Nonstatic Member Classes + Demo | 17:08

Anonymous Classes + Demo & Item 21 ~ About Function objects | 21:56

Local Classes + Demo | 07:42

Static Member Classes + Demo + Item 22: Favor Static Member Classes | 15:13

Variable Scope with Nested Classes | 04:36

Conclusion - A Quick Summary | 06:24

Anonymous Class & Static Member Class Exercise | 1 question


enums | 6 Lectures | 57min

enums: Motivation & Introduction + Item 30: Use enums instead of int

constants | 10:25

Enum Class + Demo | 12:33

enums with State & Behavior + Demo | 06:08

Nested enums + Demo | 04:16

Project Extension: Converting Constant Exporting Classes to Enums | 12:17

enums with Constant-specific Behavior + Demo | 11:10

Chapter Quiz | 7 questions


Concurrency (aka Multi-threading) | 21 Lectures | 4hr 59min

Chapter Introduction ~ Motivation & Agenda | 08:12

Threads: Introduction | 07:52

Demo: Launching Threads and Making them to Sleep! | 14:40

Demo: Thread Naming, Prioritization and Joining + Item 73 (Avoid

thread groups) | 12:55

Race Condition + Demo | 13:28

Synchronization + Demo + Item 66: Synchronize access to shared

mutable data | 10:49

Java Memory Model (JMM) | 10:44

Volatile Variables + Demo | 09:29

Atomic Variables + Demo | 17:54

Synchronization Best Practices (+ Item 67: Avoid excessive

synchronization) | 08:40

Thread Cooperation & Management + Demo | 14:44

Demo: wait & notify | 21:54

Thread Interruption + Demo | 23:51

Explicit Locks (Reentrant Lock) + Demo | 25:59

Quiz: Concurrency Part 1 | 12 questions

Item 69: Prefer concurrency utilities to wait and notify | 05:47

Executor Framework + Demo (Item 68: Prefer executors and tasks to

threads) | 16:21

Executor Service & Future | 13:39

Demo: ExecutorService & Future | 10:18

Tasks with Time Limits + Demo | 11:41

Project Extension: Downloading Web Links Concurrently | 19:20

Project Extension: Implementing Background Job to Download Web Links | 21:03

Quiz: Concurrency Part 2 | 3 questions


Date & Time API ~ Covers Java 8 & also Legacy API | 5 Lectures | 1hr


Agenda | 01:55

Background ~ epoch, UTC, Timezone ... | 12:50

Legacy API ~ Date & Calendar Classes + Demo | 24:29

New Date & Time API ~ Introduction | 09:52

Demo: New Date & Time API | 22:43

Implementing Flight Booking Feature ~ Putting new Date & Time API

into practice! | 1 question


Database Implementation & JDBC API | 11 Lectures | 2hr 57min

Database Introduction & Chapter Agenda | 15:12

Installing MySQL Database & MySQL Workbench | 10:30

Database Design & Normalization | 25:15

Database Design using MySQL Workbench | 17:37

Project Ext.: Creating Database via CREATE & INSERT Queries +

Storage Engines | 25:29

Installing JDBC Driver | 09:10

Writing SELECT Queries with Multiple Tables, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, etc. | 19:27

Project Extension: Loading Data from Database via JDBC API | 20:50

Project Extension: Saving Bookmarking Data via INSERT Queries | 14:04

Project Extension: ALTER Query & Saving Kid-Friendly Details via

UPDATE Queries | 19:14

Useful Links to Some Tutorials | 00:05


Functional-style Programming ~ Lambdas & Streams | 20 Lectures | 5hr 1min

Functional-style Programming: Motivation & Chapter Agenda | 08:44

Lambdas ~ Introduction | 13:40

Demo: Lambdas | 10:23

Demo: Capturing Variables from Lambdas ~ Closures! | 13:29

Quiz: Lambdas | 3 questions

Predicate, (Bi) Function, and Unary Operator Interfaces + Demo | 25:09

Demo: Consumer, Supplier, and Primitive Functional Interfaces | 14:33

Quiz: Functional Interfaces | 2 questions

Demo: Method References | 12:59

Demo: Constructor References |  08:52

Streams + Demo | 23:41

Stream Operations: An Overview | 07:03

Demo: Slicing a Stream | 18:49

Demo: Stream Matching Operations | 10:33

Demo: Stream Finding Operations & Optional Class | 18:27

Stream Reduction Operations + Demo | 23:10

Let's test our skills on reduce() operation | 1 question

Mutable Reduction with Collection Operations + Demo | 23:34

collect() with Collector | 10:52

Demo: Collecting Stream into List & Set | 12:01

Demo: Grouping Stream Elements | 18:32

Demo: Summarizing Groups & Generating Multi-level Groups | 25:16

Important Q&A Discussions! | 01:05


Introduction to Java EE & Web-enabling Project | 14 Lectures | 4hr 14min

Motivation & Agenda | 07:42

Web Basics | 23:31

Java EE & Servlet Containers | 12:07

Installing Tomcat | 07:21

BooksAloha! ~ Creating & Deploying a Web Application using Servlets | 23:55

Servlet Life Cycle | 13:35

Implementing BooksAloha! as MVC using JSP | 22:35

Using JSTL to Improve Presentation Layer | 13:44

Project Extension: Web-enabling thrill.io Project | 06:03

Project Extension: Implementing Browse Functionality | 28:55

Project Extension: Implementing Bookmarking & MyBooks Functionality | 29:19

Project Extension: Implementing Login Functionality with Session | 35:06

JAR Files - Introduction | 08:52

Demo: Creating & Manipulating JAR Files | 21:20


Bonus Lessons | 3 Lectures | 4min

Big O Notation | 00:03

Java on Web: Websites & Social Media Groups to Follow | 00:36

Follow-up Steps Towards Becoming a Full-Stack Java Developer! | 03:16

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هشتگ های مرتبط
سرور آپدیت نود 32
پیشنهاد سافت گذر
6 جلسه شرح فرازهایی از زیارت جامعه ی کبیره از حجت الاسلام والمسلمین سیدمحمدمهدی میرباقری

6 جلسه شرح فرازهایی از زیارت جامعه ی کبیره از حجت الاسلام والمسلمین سیدمحمدمهدی میرباقری

حاج آقا سیدمحمدمهدی میرباقری با موضوع شرح فرازهایی از زیارت جامعه ی کبیره

آموزش  Photoshop CS

آموزش Photoshop CS

آموزش فتوشاپ سی اس

آموزش ساخت وب سرور و FTP سرور

آموزش ساخت وب سرور و FTP سرور

آموزش ساخت وب سرور و اف تی پی سرور

Where is My Valentine? 1.1.0 for Android

Where is My Valentine? 1.1.0 for Android

بازی کادوی ولنتاین من کجاست؟

NASCAR Heat 5 Ultimate Edition

NASCAR Heat 5 Ultimate Edition


آموزش راه اندازی شبکه LAN

آموزش راه اندازی شبکه LAN

آموزش راه اندازی شبکه لن

Fundamentals of Mathematics

Fundamentals of Mathematics

آموزش ویدئویی مبانی ریاضی

DivX Mobile Premium 1.0.0 release (39) for Android +4.2

DivX Mobile Premium 1.0.0 release (39) for Android +4.2

پخش فیلمهای دایویکس ( DivX ) در موبایل

Spider - Rite of the Shrouded Moon

Spider - Rite of the Shrouded Moon

عنکبوت چابک

کاشکی می آمدی

کاشکی می آمدی

چیستی انتظار

آموزش گرامر زبان

آموزش گرامر زبان

آشنایی با English Grammar

iPadian 10.1

iPadian 10.1

شیبه‌ساز iPad با سیستم‌عامل iOS بر روی ویندوز

Microsoft Remote Desktop for Android +9.0

Microsoft Remote Desktop for Android +9.0

ریموت دسکتاپ مایکروسافت

Moho Pro 14.3 Build 20241125

Moho Pro 14.3 Build 20241125

ساخت انیمیشن

نحوه ثبت دامنه های .ir

نحوه ثبت دامنه های .ir

نحوه ثبت دامنه های دات آی آر

Ant Download Manager Pro

Ant Download Manager Pro

مدیریت دانلود

مجله تخصصی برای علاقه مندان به بازی های کامپیوتری

مجله تخصصی برای علاقه مندان به بازی های کامپیوتری

مجله PC Gamer شماره 4 سال 2021

Plagiarism Checker X Business 9.0.4

Plagiarism Checker X Business 9.0.4

تشخیص سرقت ادبی

Spybot Anti-Beacon 4.1

Spybot Anti-Beacon 4.1

جلوگیری از ردیابی توسط مایکروسافت




شناساندن جنبه های مختلف شخصیت، زندگی و سیره و روش پیامبر به کودکان و نوجوانان

شناساندن جنبه های مختلف شخصیت، زندگی و سیره و روش پیامبر به کودکان و نوجوانان

داستان های شیرین پیامبر مهربانی برای کودکان و نوجوانان

Rope Rescue 1.252 for Android +2.2

Rope Rescue 1.252 for Android +2.2

بازی نجات پرنده

Real Football 2011

Real Football 2011

بازی جذاب فوتبال واقعی 2011

Papelook 3.1.7 for android +2.3.3

Papelook 3.1.7 for android +2.3.3

ویرایش تصاویر و افزون اشیاء

Paragon Partition Manager 11 Server v10.0.10.11287 Retail x86/x64

Paragon Partition Manager 11 Server v10.0.10.11287 Retail x86/x64

نرم افزار قدرتمند پارتیشن بندی نسخه ی سرور

Real Widget 1.0.8 for Android +4.0

Real Widget 1.0.8 for Android +4.0

ویجت با شمایل ویندوز فون 7

GNS3 2.2.51 Final / Wireshark 4.4.2 / macOS

GNS3 2.2.51 Final / Wireshark 4.4.2 / macOS

شبیه سازی شبکه های کامپیوتری جی ان اس3

DS SIMULIA Suite 2022 (Abaqus / Isight / Fe-safe / Tosca) / 2021 HF9 / 2016 HF2 / 6.14.5

DS SIMULIA Suite 2022 (Abaqus / Isight / Fe-safe / Tosca) / 2021 HF9 / 2016 HF2 / 6.14.5


Super Keyboard Pro 1.7.1 for Android

Super Keyboard Pro 1.7.1 for Android

کیبرد با پشتیبانی از زبان فارسی

سخنرانی حجت الاسلام احمد دارستانی با موضوع حق مومن بر مومن

سخنرانی حجت الاسلام احمد دارستانی با موضوع حق مومن بر مومن

سخنرانی حجت الاسلام حمید میرباقری با موضوع حق مومن بر مومن

iOnRoad 2.0.1p for Android +4.2

iOnRoad 2.0.1p for Android +4.2

برنامه ای برای جلوگیری از تصادف در حین رانندگی




مقدمه ای عالی بر اصول زبان عربی

مقدمه ای عالی بر اصول زبان عربی

افعال و ضروریات دستور زبان عربی

بیزینس موفق

بیزینس موفق

جنبه‏ های مختلف یک پرزنتیشن

DivX player

DivX player

پخش فیلم های Divx برای گوشی های سری 60 ورژن3

Udemy – Graphic Design Bootcamp: Part 1

Udemy – Graphic Design Bootcamp: Part 1

آموزش طراحی گرافیک

سوالات گردآوری و گلچین شده آزمونهای استخدامی

سوالات گردآوری و گلچین شده آزمونهای استخدامی

آشنایی با آزمون های استخدامی

Worms 3 v2.06 / 4 v 1.0.432182182 Android +2.3

Worms 3 v2.06 / 4 v 1.0.432182182 Android +2.3

بازی معروف و محبوب کرم ها نسخه 3

سخنرانی حجت الاسلام پناهیان درمورد جایگاه سبک زندگی

سخنرانی حجت الاسلام پناهیان درمورد جایگاه سبک زندگی

سخنرانی حجت الاسلام پناهیان با موضوع سبک زندگی در ماه رمضان

AIMP 4.11.1481 for Android +6.0

AIMP 4.11.1481 for Android +6.0

موزیک پلیر حرفه ای اِ آی ام پی


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