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ASP.NET 4 Social Networking

دانلود کتاب ASP.NET 4 Social Networking - شبکه های اجتماعی ای اس پی دات نت

A truly hands-on book for Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Developers

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18174مشاهده |

128رأی |

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6/19 MB / PDF

آخرین بروزرسانی:

Social networking has become a driving force on the Internet. Many people are

part of at least one social network, while more often people are members of many

different communities. For this reason many business people are trying to capitalize

on this movement and are in a rush to put up their own social network. As the

growth of social networks continues, we have started to see more and more niche

communities popping up all over in favor of the larger, all-encompassing networks

in an attempt to capture a sliver of the market .

In this book, we will discuss the many aspects and features of what makes up the

majority of today's social networks or online communities. Not only will we discuss

the features, their purpose, and how to go about building them, but we will also take

a look at the construction of these features from a large scale enterprise perspective .

The goal is to discuss the creation of a community in a scalable fashion


What this book covers


Chapter 1, Social Networking gives you an overall structure of this book, that is, what a

reader can expect from this book .

Chapter 2, An Enterprise Approach to our Community Framework helps you create an

enterprise framework to handle the needs of most web applications. It discusses

design patterns, best practices, and certain tools to make things easier. It also covers

error handling and logging .

Chapter 3, User Accounts covers registration and account creation process by means

of an email verification system and a permission system to ensure security. It also

touches upon password encryption/decryption techniques .

Chapter 4, User Profiles covers the creation of a user's profile and an avatar in a

manner that is flexible enough for all systems to use. In this chapter, we also

implement some form of privacy to allow users to hide parts of their profile that they

don't want to share with others .

Chapter 5, Friends shows you how to implement friends, how to search for them, find

them in the site's listings, and import your contacts into the site to find your friends .

Chapter 6, Messaging helps you create a messaging system that will resemble a web-based email application similar to Hotmail or Gmail. We will also learn how to

implement the Xinha WYSIWYG editor in a way that can be re-used easily across the

site for complex inputs .

Chapter 7, Media Galleries covers details on how to build a generic media management

system that will allow you to host video, photos, resumes, or any number of physical

files with minimal tweaking. It also addresses the issue of  

multi-file uploads via RIA technologies like Flash and Silverlight .

Chapter 8, Blogs is all about Blogging. With search engines, users, and security in

mind, we invest a part of this chapter to address an issue that plagues many dynamic

websites—query string data being used to determine page output .

Chapter 9, Forums discusses the creation of the core features of a discussion  

forum—categories, forums, threads, and posts. Along with these features, the

chapter also extends the friendly URLs concept to make our content more suitable

for search engine optimization .

Chapter 10, Groups covers the concept of Groups. It focuses on how groups can be

used to bring many different systems together in a way to start creation of sub-communities .

Chapter 11, User Interactivity helps us build controls to allow our users to express

their opinions about various content areas of our site—tagging, rating, commenting ,

voting and mark as answer. It also discusses how these in turn allow users to earn

medals and hence reputation on the site .

Chapter 12, Moderation focuses on Moderation, that is, the means to manage

community provided content using a very simple flagging tool. It also covers

methods such as Gagging to deal with habitual rule breakers. It also takes a look at

how to filter specific words from content on the site .


Chapter 13, Scaling discusses some concepts to help you support a large number of

users on your social network. It starts by looking at some key concepts of tiered

architecture and web farming. It also discusses ways to create and search indexed

data, methods to optimize data retrieval and content creation, and some mail

queuing concepts .


Appendix covers a discussion on the Microsoft ASP.NET MVP and MVC patterns and

explains why we continued to use the MVP pattern for this book .

کتاب های انگلیسی بهترین مرجع برای موضوعات تخصصی است.
ممنون از توجه شما به این امر.


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